City of Ludwigsburg
Amazon Web Services
Zoi has developed a digital passersby counter for the city center of Ludwigsburg, which measures the flow of visitors all year round. This enables targeted actions to increase the attractiveness of the city. With the introduction of this technology, Ludwigsburg is taking a step forward toward Smart City.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
Easy installation of counters in existing street lighting
Zoi takes care of the infrastructure
Data is visible live via a dashboard – measured every minute throughout the year
On the basis of the data, for example, targeted actions to promote business or increase the attractiveness of the city center can be initiated
Thus far, Ludwigsburg’s economic development has recorded the flow of pedestrians at 21 locations in the city center on three days a year with handheld counting devices. In order to digitize these processes and collect data all year round, Zoi has developed an automated counting system in cooperation with the city's innovation network.
The project originated from an initiative of the innovation network Ludwigsburg.
The improved database should help to analyze the flow of visitors in the city center and to promote location development. In addition, the knowledge gained can be used to take attractiveness-enhancing measures.
The department of in-house tourism and events in Ludwigsburg will also benefit from the passersby counter, as it can provide information about the flow of visitors at events – for example in the city center.
In total, Zoi and the city of Ludwigsburg will install 21 digital passersby counters on street lamps in the city center – a trend-setting step towards Smart City. The city of Ludwigsburg uses anonymous data from end devices that are already sending out WLAN signals to promote urban development.
The first digital passersby counter was installed at a press conference. (From left) Andreas Uhl from Stadtwerke Ludwigsburg, Jolanta Gatzanis from the innovation network, Alexander Dais and Stefan Bayha, IoT and Cloud Specialists from Zoi.
For Zoi, the pilot project is an excellent opportunity to permanently test the self-developed IoT end devices in the middle of the city. Technical information is collected over the entire period of installation via the wireless LAN and LoRaWAN communication interface, which can be used in future projects to accelerate product development.
In addition, Stadtwerke Ludwigsburg-Kornwestheim can trial possible multiple usage of street lamps by installing the passersby counter and testing its power supply in continuous operation.
In order to make the information stored in the cloud infrastructure accessible, the data is visualized in a dashboard. Users can call up the dashboard directly via their web browser without complex installations or software updates. The standard view shows the number of recorded passers-by per day, week, and month. Additional views can be configured and added at any time.
The browser-based dashboard visualizes the data of the passersby counter. The views can be configured as required.
The Stuttgarter Zeitung reported on the project on
May 29, 2023 and
June 2, 2023, the Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung on
May 25, 2023.
Why Smart City solutions benefit from the public cloud, you can read in the magazine
Kommune21 from
August 2023.
Ludwigsburg and Zoi have developed a digital passersby counter that captures outgoing signals from smartphones and determines the number of pedestrians in certain areas of the city center. The prototype was installed on a street lamp at the Oberpaur clothing store in May 2023.
There are already technical solutions to measure the frequency strength in city centers using laser scanners or cameras on building facades. However, these solutions often involve a lot of effort, such as querying owners or attaching and maintaining devices.
To transmit data, LoRaWAN technology is used because it can transfer data over long distances. This significantly reduces the installation effort, since only a few gateways are required in the city area. Retrofitting in existing urban areas is therefore also associated with minimal effort.
Every WLAN-enabled end device communicates continuously with an access point or searches for one within range. The passersby counter collects the anonymized MAC address of the device to determine the number of devices present. Only the aggregated number of MAC addresses is transmitted to and stored in the AWS Cloud infrastructure.
The passersby counter records the anonymized MAC address of WLAN-enabled end devices that are within range.
Ludwigsburg is a city in Baden-Württemberg with around 94,000 inhabitants and a historic old town that is characterized by numerous baroque buildings. The innovation network has been part of Ludwigsburg’s economic development since 2021. The city cooperates with partners from business, industry, and research institutions to develop new, innovative technologies and test them under real conditions in urban space.
As a part of the innovation network, Zoi – cloud and technology partner – is making an important contribution to the urban development of the city center of Ludwigsburg with the digital pedestrian counter.
Managing Director of Zoi
Overall coordinator of the innovation network of the city of Ludwigsburg
Here are a few examples of how we have successfully supported our enterprise customers.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
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